A small change towards better well-being!

Aiming for a slimmer and healthier body? With our measurements, you can quickly see the effects of changes and make the right choices. A small change towards better well-being! Have you ever felt exhausted, even after a long night’s sleep? Maybe you’re struggling with extra pounds and feeling groggy or low on energy? You may […]

Knowledge does not increase pain – know your body and feel better

Our daily choices have a huge impact on our well-being. When you know your body, you can make the right choices to improve your wellbeing and prevent health problems. Body composition measurement from Bodymaja gives you a comprehensive overview of your body’s health in an easy-to-understand format. Read below to find out why the information […]

Why should you get to know your body too?

A healthy body is your best friend, the one you spend your whole life with. So remember to stop and listen to what it has to say! Bodymaja’s Body Composition Measurement is an easy and fun way to get to know your body and see how your everyday choices affect its well-being. Anything but boring […]

Age is not a barrier – maintain a good quality of life

You don’t have to let ageing slow you down – by focusing on the right things and making better choices, you can maintain a good quality of life and reduce the effects of ageing on your body. With Bodymaja’s body composition measurement, you can find out what your body needs and prevent the challenges of […]

Ensure the best possible army experience

We help you prepare for the army Certain military tasks or special training require a high level of fitness. To secure the job you want, it’s a good idea to train hard before you join the army. And even if you just want to complete your service with as little effort as possible, good fitness […]

Train more efficiently – see the real impact of your workout

How does your training actually bite? Bodymaja’s premium body composition measurement gives you detailed information on how your workout actually affects your body. Regular body composition measurement helps you monitor your progress and develop your workouts so that you reach your goals faster and more confidently. A great tool for active movers Whether you’re a […]

What are the benefits of measuring blood pressure and body composition?

Measuring blood pressure is predictive Measuring your blood pressure is an important preventive health measure to help assess your cardiovascular health.Regular blood pressure monitoring can prevent and manage hypertension, one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.   What is blood pressure? Blood pressure measures the force with which blood flows against the walls […]

Laaja verenpaine + puristusvoima

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Laaja verenpaine + puristusvoima

28,24 €

(Henkilökohtainen, voimassa 12kk)

12 Kuukauden Vuosipaketti

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Tähän käyttöön vuoden rajoittamaton mittauspaketti on hyvä:



79,90 €

(Henkilökohtainen, voimassa 12kk)

3 Kerran Mittauspaketti

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Tähän käyttöön kolmen kerran mittauspaketti on hyvä:

Kolme kehonkoostumusmittausta

48,38 €

(Henkilökohtainen, voimassa 12kk)

1 Kerran Mittauspaketti

Tämä paketti sopii hyvin näihin käyttötarkoituksiin:

Tähän käyttöön yhden kerran mittauspaketti on hyvä:

Yksi kehonkoostumusmittaus

28,24 €

(Henkilökohtainen, voimassa 12kk)

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