A new concept from a Finnish company brings body composition measurements to shopping centres

Bodymaja Oy is building a network of InBody measuring points in shopping centres across the country.
The fresh concept removes the middlemen and enables self-service body composition measurement, without an appointment and with the most accurate equipment on the market.

InBody measurements for consumers without intermediaries

Body composition measurement, or InBody measurement, is a technology based on a patented bioimpedance method that provides an accurate report of the amount of muscle, fat and water in different parts of the body.

Traditionally, measurement equipment has only been available to professional users, with limited access to measurement through gyms, physiotherapy or other health services.
Finnish company Bodymaja Oy now brings measurements directly to consumers without any intermediaries.
The first three branches are located in the Tripla, Kaari and Länsituule shopping centres in Helsinki and Espoo.

Managing Director of the company Aapo Hirvensalo says its goal is to expand its operations throughout Finland and to extend the service as widely as possible to different customer segments.
The plan is to open a total of ten measurement points during 2022.

– Body composition measurement is often thought of as a tool for athletes and active people, but it is much more than that.
Anyone interested in their own wellbeing can benefit significantly from the test results and can use the information in their everyday life, whether it’s weight management, the wellbeing of a sedentary worker or even proactive muscle monitoring as they age,” says Hirvensalo.

Unique self-service concept

Bodymaja’s measuring points are located in shopping centres, where people move around anyway.
They are open from early in the morning until late at night.

– We want to keep the threshold as low as possible.
Bodymaja’s measuring points are based on self-service.
Customers receive a link from our online shop that entitles them to open the door and click on it to go to any of our branches.
There is no need to make an appointment, listen to sales pitches about other products or discuss the results with anyone,” says Hirvensalo.

The results can be viewed immediately after the measurement in My Body, where you will also find clear instructions on how to interpret the results.
The whole visit to BodyMaja takes 5-10 minutes, with the actual measurement taking only a fraction of that time.

– In addition to a straightforward and hassle-free approach, we also drive the market through value for money.
In our series products, the retail price of a single measurement is at the lowest point less than five euros.
We are able to offer this directly with the highest quality InBody 770 equipment on the market.
The measurement result is extremely accurate,” says Hirvensalo.

Monitoring body composition is important for non-obsessive users too

InBody measurement is often mistakenly considered to be a tool only for professional athletes or fitness enthusiasts.
Hirvensalo completely refutes this idea.

– Our clients are typically just ordinary people who work hard, enjoy life and every now and then get inspired to pursue better health through fitness or weight loss.
As someone who has lived through busy years with three kindergarten-age children, I know how old hobbies can easily fall by the wayside and you don’t even have time to think about new ones, even if you are interested in an active lifestyle.
For people like me, body composition measurement is a good way to keep track of your wellbeing in a more reliable way than a scale or a food programme.

The most important benefit of body composition measurement is the individualised measurement result, which tells you in particular about muscle and fat mass and guides you to the right measures in your everyday life.

– We have focused on making the results easy to interpret, so that everyone can benefit as much as possible from the measurement.
The My Body service visualises the results in a clear report and tells you what the different values mean.
This allows the customer to seamlessly link the measurement results to their lifestyle and choices.

According to Hirvensalo, body composition data can even be important for public health.
He calls for an active debate around the topic.

– For example, far too little is said about the importance of visceral fat, the dangerous visceral fat.
The impact would certainly be visible if only more Finns would take it on their agenda to actively and proactively monitor it,” says Hirvensalo.

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Company information Bodymaja Oy (3233131-4)

Established: November 2021

Domicile: Sirkka

Measuring points

The 2022 target:

10 000 customers

40 000 measurements

Measurement prices:

With a serial card from.

One-off measurement 19,90€

Device: InBody770

Further information

Managing Director

Aapo Hirvensalo

045 111 5454

[email protected]