Body composition measurement in Tikkuri shopping centre in Vantaa

Body composition measurement makes it easy and reliable to monitor your body condition.
The results help you make smart choices to promote your well-being.

Body composition measurements are available quickly and cheaply at the Tikkuri shopping centre in Vantaa.
First, choose the package that suits you best from our online shop.
Choose from a one-off measurement, a series of three measurements and an unlimited annual package.

Once you have purchased a package, you can visit us for a measurement at a time that suits you.
At the measurement point, you will have access to the market-leading InBody 770 device, which will give you highly accurate results.

Asematie 4-10,
01300 Vantaa
Location: 2nd floor (in the corridor)

We are located on the second floor of Tikkuri Shopping Centre, near the Tempur store.

Opening hours weekdays 7-21, Sat 8-21, Sun 10-21, according to the opening hours of the shopping centre

You can get a body composition measurement without an appointment.
Buy a body composition measurement from our online shop.
When you arrive at the location, you open the door of the measurement point with the button of the SMS message you receive.
Sisäkartta Bodymajan toimipisteeseen Kauppakeskus Tikkurissa