NOTICE! Lahti Trio will be closed for annual maintenance and calibration on Mon 10.3 between 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.

A small change towards better well-being!

Aiming for a slimmer and healthier body? With our measurements, you can quickly see the effects of changes and make the right choices.

A small change towards better well-being!

Have you ever felt exhausted, even after a long night’s sleep? Maybe you’re struggling with extra pounds and feeling groggy or low on energy?

You may have the desire to make a change, but you don’t know where to start.

Bodymaja is here to help – our platform gives you the opportunity to take the first step towards better well-being.

And you know what? It can start with one small change!


Why are regular measurements key?

Many of us live in a constant rush, and wellbeing can easily take a back seat to other things.

Still, a little pause and monitoring your own body’s measurements can be just the wake-up call you need.

By regularly measuring your body’s fitness, you can get important information on how to improve your wellbeing – without major renovation.

Regular measurements will help you to see in concrete terms how small changes in diet or exercise are making a difference.

Bodymaja’s services offer an easy way to find out the current state of your body. Body composition measurements, circulatory monitoring, and compressive force measurements give you a comprehensive picture of what’s happening in your body right now. This way you know where to start and where to focus.

For example, reducing fat percentage or increasing muscle mass may seem like big goals, but with small everyday changes, it is entirely possible to achieve them!


From fatigue to alertness – small steps, big effects

If you suffer from fatigue or feel like you just don’t have enough energy, it could be due to a number of things: stress, sleep quality, dietary imbalances or lack of exercise. Regular measurements will give you an indication of where the problem might lie.

For example, a body composition measurement can tell you whether your body is in fluid balance or whether your muscle mass is sufficient to support your daily activities.

When you measure your body regularly, you can clearly see how small changes in diet or exercise habits affect you. Maybe you switch one snack for a more nutritious option, add a little exercise to your daily routine or stretch a little before bed – all of which can boost your energy levels without you noticing!


Overweight – a challenge that can be solved one step at a time

Many people struggle with being overweight and feel frustrated. But the change doesn’t have to be dramatic. One small step can start a domino effect towards better well-being.

Bodymaja helps you set realistic goals and track your progress – when you see your body fat percentage decrease or muscle mass increase, your motivation to stay on track increases.

One simple way to start is to add a little movement to your everyday life. Even if you start with just a few short walks a week, your body will already start to change. Our body composition measurement will show you how these small changes over time will affect your body. At the same time, you’ll find that a drop in body fat percentage means more energy and better quality sleep. And as your mood improves, so does your motivation!


Measurements to support lifestyle change

One common challenge with lifestyle changes is that the results are not immediately noticeable. This is where Bodymaja’s measurements come in handy.

Measuring your body composition, compression strength and blood pressure will help you to see what is happening in your body. For example, body composition measurements tell you exactly how your muscle mass is building and fat is burning – even when the scale doesn’t yet tell you about the change.

The results provide concrete information on what works and what doesn’t. Maybe you add more vegetables to your diet or decide to take the stairs instead of the lift. These small changes can turn the tide towards better health sooner than you think.


One change is enough

Bodymaja is designed to support you on your journey towards a healthier and more energetic life. You don’t have to make a life-changing transformation all at once – one small step is enough to start the journey.

Whether it’s getting better sleep, improving your diet or increasing your exercise, we’re here to support you with measurements and clear results.

Take the first step today – measure, monitor and see how one small change can be the start of something big!

Table of contents

An accurate picture of your body composition
effortlessly and whenever you want!

We want to offer you a new way to get an accurate picture of your body composition. With our InBody 770 measurement, you can get to know the inner world of your body and better understand what it needs to function in the best possible way.

Update your information today, measure regularly and give your body the attention it deserves.
Solve problems, achieve your goals and take the first step towards a healthier and more balanced life. 

Tilaa uutiskirje

Tilaa Bodymajan uutiskirje ja saat sähköpostiisi etuja ja tietoja palveluumme liittyen.

Wide blood pressure + compressive force

This package is well suited for these uses:

For this purpose, a package of additional measurements is good:


Wide blood pressure + compressive force

28,24 €

(Personal, valid for 12 months)

12 Month Annual Package

This package is well suited for these uses:

For this purpose, a one-year unlimited measurement package is good:


Annual membership

79,90 €

(Personal, valid for 12 months)

3 Time Measurement Package

This package is well suited for these uses:

A three-time measurement package is good for this purpose:

Three body composition measurements

48,38 €

(Personal, valid for 12 months)

1 Time Measurement Package

This package is well suited for these uses:

A one-time measurement package is good for this purpose:

One body composition measurement

28,24 €

(Personal, valid for 12 months)

Contact us

Please contact us by email at [email protected] or using the form below.